
Bluefish aquarium
Bluefish aquarium

bluefish aquarium

Water temperature: From 75° to 86° Fahrenheit.These fish eat a mixture of algae-based foods, as well as meaty proteins such as frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex. Male fish guard the eggs and raise the fry, which is fun to watch. If the water temperature is kept at the upper end of the Gourami’s preferred range, they will spawn readily, building bubble nests and establishing territories in the tank. That said, you do need an efficient filtration system and you must keep the tank clean, as Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis will become stressed if conditions deteriorate. These peaceful, labyrinth fish make an excellent addition to a community tank, preferring lots of planting and floating plants too, and they are extremely easy to look after. I have these in one of my tanks, and they are my personal favorites. Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis are a color variant of the regular Dwarf Gourami. Water temperature: From 72° to 82° Fahrenheit.When fed a good quality diet and kept in the right conditions, these fish will spawn readily. Neons are omnivorous, thriving on a diet of tropical flake food and micro-pellets supplemented with frozen food, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. Neon tetras are peaceful little fishes that can be kept in a community setup with other small, non-aggressive tankmates. Provide plenty of open water, too, as these fish like to hang out in the midwater area of the aquarium, creating a breathtaking display of shimmering color as they shoal together. Neons do best in a heavily planted tank with subdued lighting and lots of hiding places, such as caves, driftwood, etc. With their glittering, iridescent blue coloring and brilliant red tail, these gorgeous little fishes look absolutely stunning when kept in schools of six or more individuals.

bluefish aquarium

Neon tetras are regarded as the jewels of the fishkeeping hobby. Water temperature: From 68° to 78° Fahrenheit.So, here are our 29 favorite coolest freshwater aquarium fish that any hobbyist would love to have in their collection! 1.

Bluefish aquarium